Monday, March 3, 2014

Guide to Minerals, Part 1

Nutrients are just as essential as vitamins. For the next few weeks, we shall show the functions of some of the minerals we need, sources and deficiency symptoms.

Calcium for strong bones and milk and dairy stunted growth in 
teeth; required for normal products, sardines, children, weakened
muscle contraction and salmon eaten with bones in adults, 
relaxation, heart action, bones, oysters, tofu, bones that break
nerve function, and clams, citrus fruit, easily; osteoporosis
blood clotting green, leafy vegetables
Chromium works with insulin to take brewers yeast, meat, impaired glucose 
sugar into cells. Involved clams, whole grains, metabolism. (May
in breakdown of sugar to unrefined foods,  lead to diabetes)
release energy cheese, nuts
Copper needed for hemoglobin whole grains, nuts, anemia, bone defects
and to make red blood  legumes, lean meat,  retarded growth,
cells. Forms protective  fruits, vegetables, fish impaired metabolism
coverings for nerves. shellfish (especially
Part of several enzymes. oysters) organ meats
Involved with vitamin C
in forming collagen.
Needed in respiration 
and release of energy

Used with permission from A Year of Health Hints by Don R Powell, PHD and the American Institute for Preventive Medicine, copyright 2010.

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