Sunday, November 1, 2015

The ABCs of CPR

CPR or cardiopulmonary resucitation is a basic skill that everyone should learn. It can mean the difference between life and death. CPR can restore the flow of oxygen to the brain if the heart has stopped breathing due to heart attack, drowning, electrical shock, suffocation, drug overdose or for some other reason.

To know how to perform CPR correctly, you need expert training. It takes 3 hours to learn and the essential steps can be remembered as ABC:

Airway. Tilt the victim’s head back and clear the airway.

Breathing. Pinch the nose closed and perform mouth-to-mouth rescue breathing.

Circulation. Using both hands, compress the chest at a point where the sternum (about midpoint in the front of the rib cage) to compress the heart and deliver blood to the body until the heart can resume beating on its own.   

Used with permission from A Year of Health Hints by Don R Powell, PHD and the American Institute for Preventive Medicine, copyright 2010.

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