Monday, February 10, 2014

Guide to Vitamins, Part 1

In this week’s topic and the next few ones, we will enumerate different vitamins needed by our bodies, functions, sources, and deficiency symptoms.

A for healthy skin, hair  dark green vegetables, night blindness
and mucous membrane, deep yellow fruits such dry, rough skin;
normal vision, proper as apricots, peaches,  susceptibility to 
tooth and bone  cantaloupe, carrots,   infection; dry
development and  sweet potatoes, pumpkin   eyes; stunted 
resistance to infection squash, liver, eggs, dairy bone growth;
poor tooth enamel
B1 release of energy from  green peas, legumes  loss of appetite
(Thiamine) food, appetite regulation,  collard greens, oranges fatigue, mental
growth & muscle tone,  asparagus, whole grains, confusion, 
proper function of heart lean meat, oysters  moodiness,
& nervous system irritability,
muscle weakness, 
leg cramps,
enlarged heart 
B2 helps cells use oxygen, milk & dairy products skin disorders, esp.
(Riboflavin) important in metabolism  dark green vegetables cracks at corners
of protein, fat, &  whole grains, legumes of mouth; dermatitis
carbohydrates, helps  sardines, eggs, tuna hypersentivity to
keep skin, & mucous oysters, lean meat,  light, reddening of
membranes healthy chicken  cornea; digestive
B3 participates in metabolism nuts, legumes, dark green skin disorders, esp.
(Niacin) of protein, fat and  vegetables, whole grains,  on parts exposed to 
carbohydrates; helps cells  lean meat, fish, poultry sun; red, swollen 
use oxygen; promotes  tongue; indigestion,
healthy skin, nerves, and  diarrhea, mental
digestive tract disorders, depression
anxiety, confusion

Used with permission from A Year of Health Hints by Don R Powell, PHD and the American Institute for Preventive Medicine, copyright 2010.

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