Monday, July 25, 2011

The Eyes: Our Precious Possssion, Part 2

Eyes and Diet. The eyes are affected by diet as any part of the body. Fed by the bloodstream, it depends upon that for its general state of health. A person with a toxic condition of the body is bound to find that his eyes suffer. It is essential that the body must be kept clean and free of poison.

The best way to maintain good healthy eyes is be eating bulk foods--fruits, vegetables and whole grain products--which relieves constipation and cleans the digestive system without using purgatives. With constipation under control, one of the main causes of dull eyes and hardening lenses is eradicated.

Bulk foods are not the only ones necessary for good eye health, but also those containing vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, selenium, zinc and antioxidants. Excellent sources of these nutrients are the following: Vegetables--broccoli, carrots, kale, spinach, lettuce, celery, watercress, cabbage, pumpkins, turnips, yellow squash, sweet potatoes, red pepper; Fruits--avocado, apple, apricots, banana, pineapple, mango, prunes, papaya, guava; Nuts--almonds, walnuts, pistachios; Herbs: lutein, eyebright, bilberry.

In addition to vitamins and nutrients, which a well-planned diet yields, using supplements in convenient and easy-to-take capsules is a highly desirable form of health insurance.

Eye Exercises. Sit, keeping the spine straight, open your eyes, and do the following exercises without moving your head:

1) Look up to the ceiling, then down to the floor.
2) Look to the right side, then to the left side.
3) Look up to the right corner (diagonally) and then down to the left corner.
4) Look up to the left corner (diagonally) and then down to the right corner.
5) Roll the eyes clockwise.
6) Roll the eyes counter-clockwise.

7) Palm the eyes, sitting in a relaxed position with elbows comfortably on a table or cushion, and lightly cover the closed eyelids with your palms. To get good results from this
exercise, your head should not be bent forward. Your neck and spine must be straight
and relaxed so that there is no strain on your nerves or muscles. Use a pillow on a low
table to elevate your elbow.

Palming is an excellent method for relaxation. It is particularly beneficial to persons
whose work requires a great deal of reading and computer work. There are thousands of nerve centers within the palm of the hand, and it is quite likely that the old masters of the East had practised palming to increase magnetic forces to heal the body. Palm for ten
minutes at a time--and while doing so--breathe deeply. Afterwards, you will feel relaxed and rested.

Blink gently and close your eyes after doing each of the above exercises.

Develop the habit of frequent blinking when reading, working
or watching a movie or television.

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