Monday, April 18, 2011

Your Colon and Your Health, Part 2

Why Cleanse? The way most of us eat these days, toxins do accumulate in our bodies that start in the digestive tract and colon. They build up over the years, stretching the colon out of shape and position in the body. Even if you think you're in good health, if you're an adult, your digestive tract and colon undoubtedly have been abused and will profit from cleansing.

If you have a health problem, your digestive tract unquestionably is in poor condition. A cleansing program is essential to healing and restoring your body ecology. If you eat properly but don't cleanse the colon, you will slow down the healing process significantly. The two must go hand in hand.

We recognize the importance of cleaning our houses or taking our cars in for regular maintenance to prolong their effectiveness--so why not take care of our bodies as well? The results will be even more rewarding: a long, vital life and excellent health.

The colon is the most important place to start our "body house-cleaning"--if we may use the term. By cleansing the colon, the other organs then automatically begin to eliminate their waste into the colon as our body was designed to do. In this manner, the waste and toxins the body has stored--sometimes for years--can exit naturally.

Cleansing is an essential life goal. It is the secret to a long life and staying disease-free. Faithful attention to cleansing will prevent disease that we often assume come naturally with old age. These diseases present the accumulation of a lifetime of toxins and impurities that the body has never cleansed out.

Remember, babies are born with clean digestive tracts. They build a strong immune system with friendly bacteria promoted by mother's milk. When they eat properly (food combining, lots of vegetables), they do not store toxins in their digestive tracts and quickly eliminate waste matter. If we could maintain our digestive tracts and colon as that of a healthy year-old child, our life expectancy would be higher than it is now, and we would be disease-free in our old age.

Colonics. Colonic irrigation (also called colon hydrotherapy) offers a pleasant and convenient way to cleanse. It bathes the entire length of the colon (over five feet), whereas an enema bathes only the lower part. When administered properly, colonics are safe, painless, and clean.

The goal of colonics is to cleanse and open the colon so it works properly and naturally. It is essential to use purified water (water without chlorine or other matter) since chlorine kills friendly bacteria. Even with the use of pure water, colonics do wash out friendly bacteria with the toxins. But toxic colon doesn't have that much friendly bacteria anyway, so the elimination of the yeast is more important than preserving friendly bacteria. After the health of the colon is restored, the friendly bacteria can be replaced by taking probiotics orally, by colonic implants and by eating raw cultured vegetables.

Benefits of a Healthy Colon. Reestablishing the vitality of your colon should be a key part of one's quest to stay healthy. It is just as important as eating the right foods. Once this is done, here are the results you can expect: enhanced ability to sleep well; less craving for sweet foods; slowed aging process; gray hair and wrinkles are slower to appear.

Relief from the following are also some benefits of a healthy colon: poor eyesight; asthma; colds; allergies; constipation; diabetes; backache; respiratory disorders; thyroid deficiency; hemorrhoids; intestinal parasites; skin disease; weight problems, and other ailments.

(Our thanks to Dr. Omar Arabia II who owns and operates the Paracelsus Integrative Medical Clinic: Center for Preventive and Environmental Medicine, located in Quezon City, Philippines)


  1. A very informative site.Colon cleansing is that the method of detoxifying your colon, either through the employment of a supplement or by introducing light jets of water into the big bowel for washing away waste and toxins.
    Best colon cleanse
