Monday, February 7, 2011

Prostate Cancer Notes

"Prostate cancer is the third most common cause of death from cancer in men of all ages, and most common cause of death from cancer in men over 75," says pharmacist Suzy Cohen.

Ms. Cohen's research findings follow:
  • MYTH. Having frequent sex causes prostate problems.

  • FACT. A Harvard study showed that cancer risk was about 33% LOWER in men who had frequent sex (about 20 romps a month).

  • Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) is always the initial step towards cancer...and if you don't cure your BPH, then you are headed down a path that could lead to cancer. Some guys don't even realize that they have the symptoms of BPH, so here they are: straining to begin urination; a weak urinary stream; dribbling after urination; frequency of urination (sometimes every 2 hours or less); a recurrent, sudden, or uncontrolled urge to urinate; feeling the bladder has not completely emptied after urination; pain during urination; waking up at night to urinate.

  • Testosterone is a hormone that BOTH men and women make from the basic molecule called cholesterol which can form many hormones in the body. Testosterone is one of THE most helpful hormones that men can have (even for women). It keeps men and women healthy, fertile, energetic and revs up their sex drives.

  • Vitamin D is anti-cancer. It is the 'sunshine vitamin' because our skin converts it to an active healthy form called D3. If you are a man, do NOT let yourself become vitamin D deficient.

  • Free radical damage can be reduced by: stopping smoking and eating greasy burgers, French fries, beer, foods with MSG, and artificial chemicals. Also, start taking antioxidants, such as resveratrol, pycnogenol, blueberry extract, vitamin C, vitamin D (taking a "sunbath" for 10 minutes in the early morning hours before 9 will supply you with adequate vitamin D for the day).

  • Having enlarged prostate symptoms is a wake-call to change diet, take supplements, exercise and lose weight, and control your insulin levels (you can verify this with a blood test).

  • Other supplements to take for BPH sufferers are: zinc (found in sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds); quercetin (found in apples and other fruits); curcumin (found in curry spice or turmeric); lycopene (found in tomatoes, watermelon); natural anti-fungals (grapeseed extract and aged garlic); also probiotic supplementation.

  • Since prostate cancer is usually slow-growing, you have time to take care of yourself and get cured.
(Our thanks to Suzy Cohen, who graciously allowed us to quote directly from her article, "Prostate Cancer," at