Friday, November 5, 2010

Dangers of Overeating

Do you know that dyspepsia or indigestion is simply the irritation due to too much food or drink? It is not a disease, and medicine only adds insult to injury, claims Dr. Peter P. Chase in his book, Your Wonderful Body.

Dr. Chase says that most cases of indigestion do not require, and are not benefited, by medicine. Where the indigestion is due to ulcers, medicine or surgery may be required.

Another medical practitioner, Dr. Victor Heiser, in You're the Doctor, illustrates the danger of overeating as follows:

"It is as though you owned a boiler designed to burn a ton of coal a day, the amount sufficient to generate steam enough to run your plant. Instead of following instructions, you constantly burn two tons daily. The safety value is then always blowing off unused steam. You are not only wasting your coal but burning out the boiler. Something similar to this is taking place in the bodies of people who overeat."

Overeating leads to obesity and, consequently, to heart attack, stroke, diabetes, cancer, among others.

To avoid overeating, eat healthy food (organic raw or lightly cooked vegetables and fresh fruits) and exercise regularly. Stick to this regulated system of diet, exercise, etc. and you'll not only improve your overall health but live longer--and happier.

Preservative May Affect Memory. Sodium Nitrate , the preservative found in hot dogs, bacon, bologna and other prepared meats, significantly alters the memory process, even in low doses, according to animal experiments. This raises the possibility that sodium nitrate may alter memory processes in human beings. However, since sodium nitrate is also suspected of being a cancer-causing agent, it is unlikely that it should be tested on humans.


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