Monday, August 30, 2010

Falling Asleep Easily

Do you have a hard time falling asleep? Here are some rules to fall asleep quickly:

Every individual, experts say, has his own sleep cycle. So know your own sleep pattern.

When does sleepiness start to set in? When do you feel wide awake? Obey your body’s call for sleep even if it means going to bed earlier than your so-called “regular sleeping time”—which may not be right for you.

Intensive sleep research has found two time-worn pieces of advice that are still best:

  • Think Pleasant Thoughts. Nothing can banish sleep faster than negative thoughts.
  • Count Sheep! “Bore yourself to sleep with a repetitive sequence,” counsels the report.

Allow me to share with you my “style” of falling asleep faster:
  • Empty the bladder before going to bed.
  • Close all window shades and shut off the lights.
  • Adjust the pillow to prevent stiff-neck.
  • When lying down to go to sleep, erase all thoughts of the day.
  • Finally, take some deep, slow, rhythmic breaths to release tension or stress.
When you follow the above suggested routine regularly, you will have no trouble sleeping—it will lull you to “dreamland” like a breeze!

Tidbits. Research suggests that sleep deprivation can affect one’s immune system and overall health. So sleep early. Seven to eight hours of sleep nightly would be fine, while sleeping as early as two to three hours before midnight is best.

And here’s something to warm your heart: Meditating before going to bed may help ease worry about falling asleep.

Have a good night’s sleep!

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